Friday, March 6, 2020

Someday is Here!

What’s a ‘someday’? When is ‘someday’? What’s this all about anyway?

Gather round and get cozy.  It’s a story of how the little things lead to big things. No grand gestures here, just seemingly small (and surprisingly easy) decisions. One lily pad at a time.

I revisited my writing a few months ago. It used to be a thing I did, going all the way back to high school. My energy towards my writing waxed and waned over the years. Those tricksy muses. They don’t operate on much of a schedule. I like to think of “waiting for inspiration” as the creative person’s version of watching the toaster in anticipation; staring at it and willing it to pop up faster.

My rekindled love affair with writing came about after a therapy session not too long ago. The focus of these sessions was a bit of re-centering, building my confidence, and helping me find my way back to myself. I needed to hear myself talk (outside of my head). A neutral sounding board was necessary. After a long decompression from a few years overseas, I had lost my muchness. So down the rabbit hole I went….

Hearing yourself speak about such things is powerful. Writing about them is much more confrontational for me. Once words are spoken, I imagine them floating into the air in a million little pieces. Fading away. Written words stare right back at you. It’s nearly impossible to erase them. We’ve all cringed at one time or another when looking at texts from last night. Or the accidental "reply all".  Yeah. That.

This brought me back to this blog, which I had started around ten years ago (more on that story here). We are always waiting for something. What are we waiting for? In most cases, we are waiting for "some-thing" to happen… I wait for someday to happen, realizing that it will always be at arm’s length. I'll never catch up to it. It's not contained in a capsule that will magically turn into a dinosaur shaped sponge when I add water. It will always be a few steps ahead of me. Unless I make it happen.

And there it was. My ‘someday’ had sparked. All those years ago. Opening the door for one muse always leads to an open window for another. Creativity appreciates a nice cross breeze to get things flowing.
I was in dire need of some motivation. This all led to me to a temporary seasonal job, back in the retail scene. Not much has changed since 20 years ago when it comes to retail. Online shopping aside, turns out people still like touching things. They really like touching things. At the end of it all, I learned a few things. 1) Being on my feet for 6 hours was a lot more tolerable 20 years and 20 pounds ago (Y’all. I was D-E-A-D. DEAD at the end of shift). 2) Retail workers bust their butts and still manage to forcefully smile their way through the day. This is a learned skill. Customers can always see your face and you can only hide in the stockroom for so long. 3) Did I mention people really like to touch stuff?  I needed something more fulfilling. Color me inspired!

It was time to make another “someday” happen: my own painting business. People close to me have often said I should start my own studio and do my own thing. I could never see it though. It was just a blurry idea of a thing and it terrified me. My someday was in arms reach though, as it always had been. I cleared the fog that had built up in front of me. The skies cleared and I had finally conquered my biggest obstacle: myself.

So here we are. I am happy to introduce you to Someday Studios, LLC. For now, I will be offering mobile paint parties in our local area, but the next someday is within reach…perhaps a studio space? I’ll settle in and get cozy on this lily pad for now though. It feels right.

No grand gestures, just a series of seemingly small (and surprisingly easy) decisions. 

Every night I lie in bed
The brightest colors fill my head
A million dreams are keeping me awake
A million dreams, a million dreams
I think of what the world could be
A vision of the one I see
A million dreams is all it's gonna take
A million dreams for the world we're gonna make

-A Million Dreams, The Greatest Showman

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