Sunday, November 3, 2019

New Phone, Who Dis?

I don't know about you, but I love a good "wake TFU" slap in the face from the universe. 

Granted, the message being delivered is often something I've purposely been shoving further and further back in my emotional closet...but sometimes it's more of a whimsical whisper from my past self. It's the latter that has brought my fingers to the keyboard again today. I've been in a bit of a cloud lately feeling a bit more shuffled and scattered than usual. No surprise, since we just completed our fourth move in six years (including a stint overseas). There's a comforting familiarity about the moving process for me though. Sort the things, label the things, unpack the things..... it's all fine but it eventually catches up to me and I tent to lose my roots a bit (more to come on that topic later).

I sought out a therapist to help me navigate through this transition. After just a few minutes of brain-dumping, she asked "have you ever considered writing?". Writing? Oh right, that's a thing I used to do. Songs, poems... I even had a column in the college newspaper many moons ago. I rather enjoyed writing. Until one day.... I guess I didn't? I honestly couldn't recall why I had stopped. I was encouraged to start writing my own story, of which there is no shortage of content. I could spend hours describing the shag carpet of my childhood home (don't worry, I won't). So, sure why not, I'll give it a go. I came home and cranked out nearly 2,000 words in less than an hour. And for once I didn't stop to go back and edit while I was writing. Truth be told I haven't even gone back to read it. It felt really great to write again and hear the clickety-clack of the keyboard as my words flowed out through my fingers. I just left the words to marinate a bit in the meantime.

 I was inspired to start a blog to keep my writing organized (while also wondering if a blog was still a thing? I like to write but turns out I actually don't enjoy reading. Go figure). I did a quick 5 minute brainstorm session of what to title my blog, thinking it would help me frame my thoughts and give me some direction. I hit a bit of a wall and took a break to do some housecleaning. "I'll sort it out someday", I thought. I was then reminded of a song I wrote over a decade a go: Waiting for Someday. Color me inspired! I go to Google to see if anyone has used that phrase before, being sensitive and mindful of others' creative work. My search ended quickly with a sad "this blog name is currently in use". Bugger.

Who has two thumbs and claimed that phrase for their blog title nearly ten years ago? Yep. That would be me. New phone, who dis? Alright universe, that was a good one. I hear you. I gotchu. Thanks for holding onto those words for my "someday". I'll try not to leave you hanging so long next time. Cheers to making everyday be your someday.

 p.s. I decided to leave the three previous entries from 2011 from when I first posted this blog. What a trip, y'all!


  1. Oooooo the last time you posted I couldn't read blogs on my phone because I was poor and in college with a broken flip phone because I tripped in my snuggie and broke it...but that's another story.
    Keeep it coming lady! Love it ��

    1. Thanks friend! LOL I actually don't even know how I had a computer and was able to post those!? Could have even been at a public library computer or something.

  2. Nice going universe/past Denee! I will keep reading! <3
